Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Multiuser Google Earth mashup

I just ran across a mashup for GoogleEarth - "Unype" (pronounced 'unite') where you can interact with others in GoogleEarth. I have not tried this out yet but from the description it seems like you can talk (through Skype), chat, share videos, take others on a tour, mark locations, represent yourself as an avatar... ala SecondLife. (maybe the next generation) This might be a great way for your class to go on a virtual tour with someone guiding you in Google Earth. How about visiting with someone at their home (re-created in Google Sketchup) - practice speaking German, French, Spanish or exploring the universe with an astronomer (Google Sky). Seem all like interesting possibilities. What do you think?

1 comment:

D.RAY said...

My first comment apparently didn't take so I'll try again.
When it can to Unype, I really liked the "Play Quiz" feature. I believe it could be quite useful in World Studes and World Geography classes, provided our limited bandwidth could stand up to the strain. I was also drawn to the fact that it was FREE. Always a crowd pleaser!