Monday, September 03, 2007

Sharing tools and sites

OK - what are the most frequented Educational (technology) web sites that you find yourself going to? One of the listed intentions this semester is share our resources (along with ideas and experiences) regarding the discovery, design, development and implementation (evaluation is on-going) of educational technology in places of learning.

I already mentioned in class that I use netvibes as a place to aggregate RSS news feed sources. Some of the sites I read include:
All of these sites have RSS news feeds and so I can easily see current headlines using netvibes. What are some of the sites that you have found to be helpful?


gxeremio said...

I often find lots of great stories in the education sections of websites like CNN,, and the New York Times. CNN, sadly, removed the education section a few months ago.

Another great site is

gxeremio said...

Oh and here's a cool social network for educational technology -

You can actually use ning to make your own social network, about anything you want. Maybe one for Harrisonburg, or one for an individual school?