Monday, September 10, 2007

Web Design Guidelines

There are many sites that someone could point toward as examples and non-examples - Denise and Jeremy already pointed us toward some. Kevin speaks from current experience of building a site for his church.

One site that I found (actually I believe that some other site pointed me toward this - as is usually the case) is University of Texas at Austin's page on Web Guidelines. Much of this site is geared toward web publishing on UT-Austin servers, however it points toward many issues that seem important for web publishing. I particularly like the Site Architecture and Navigation page that points toward issues for every would-be designer.

Questions worth asking:
  • Who is your audience? (might be the foundational question)
  • What does your audience want to learn from your site?
  • Can they get there from here?
  • What kind of technology or capabilities does your audience possess (bandwidth, computing power, plug-ins, etc.)?
  • Is the site consistent? (across pages, language, organization, page location, link actions)
Another thought that I have is about web Page Personality. Keeping it simple might appeal to certain designers or audience types, but maybe there is a web personality who likes as many links as possible on a page. Although information overload is certainly a term that many have associated with this point in time - maybe human cognitive abilities will evolve with increased abilities to process more information without becoming mired in a virtual quagmire.

Well, happy designing - or happy designing well - or happy well designing (now this is getting too deep)


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Great comment ....

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Jack said...

Hello Friend,
Great blog and article.
Thanks and Regards:)

Jack said...

Hello Friend,
Great blog and article.
Thanks and Regards:)

Webplore said...

An excellent informative post...thanks for sharing your nice work.

Shoping Cart said...

Following an established guidelines for making any website is very must. If you follow the correct guidelines your site will be more flexible and neat and visually appealing to the visitors.