Monday, October 08, 2007

Baseball and the classroom

I am not a real baseball fanatic but in this season of baseball playoffs, my mind went to Cooperstown and wondered about any educational resources they might have. Sure enough the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum has page called Enriching Education website that provides curricular integration ideas for schools. There are sixteen different online thematic units to explore for integration into the classroom. There are resources including field trips, video-conferences, podcasts, and blogs as well on their site.

So bringing baseball into the classroom might be something worth considering... there might be learners in your classroom who are already hooked on baseball and would be stimulated further with this classroom connection.

1 comment:

gxeremio said...

True. I also wonder how a class-based fantasy sports league might be a good opportunity to practice real-world math.

Speaking of fantasy leagues, if I were a government teacher I would have my students sign up for the (but of course, this being Harrisonburg, we'd have to get it unblocked first).