Thursday, October 18, 2007

K12Online Conference - going strong...

Well I have started to attend the presentations at the K12online conference - how about you?

The pre-conference keynote by David Warlick was a first for me. I listened to his presentation on my iPhone in my living room. It was noteworthy just because I was sitting in a comfortable locale and he was presenting from his office, an airport, a Starbucks, a bike/walking path, his deck and so time/place shifting was very evident. His style was very casual and engaging and made a good case for "the times they are a-changing" (certainly giving away my age...) His closing three points included:
  1. Students are Info-savvy
  2. New Information Landscape
  3. Uncertain unknown future for our learners
I was not able to attend the live Elluminate gathering, but looking at the archive briefly it seems like there were around 100 participants online with him. You can image that the chat window was pretty crazy...

Will my iPhone is filling up with video podcasts so now on to more presentations...

Anyone attending any of the sessions? I will look for your posts...

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