Thursday, October 25, 2007

Where does the time go?

Subtitled: It gets sucked up somewhere in cyberspace...

I am observing my own behavior while attending this online conference. First I subscribed to the feed with the intent of viewing these on my iPhone - worked for the pre-conference workshop. Now I am just syncing my iPhone everyday with new content and saying - "Oh I will get to this sometime, maybe I will have more time at home to look at these."

I have also observed that about 12 of these videos do not download to my iPhone - I don't know if this is unique to the iPhone or not. Does anyone have a video iPod to tell me that all the videos run perfectly well or not on this technology? So I find that some are on the iPhone and others are not.

I also find myself jumping in and out of presentations - while this technology lets me do this without bothering other participants or hurting the presenter's feelings, I find that I have not returned as frequently as I would have imagined. But then again there is always tomorrow.

Well to that end I decided to mess around with embedding a little bit, so I copied a widget listing all the video presentations from K12Online Conference and placed this on Blackboard in the course documents page. (After looking at a presentation "LMS 2.0" about moodle and embedding widgets, I thought why not try this in Bb). So it is there to remind me (anyone) that these presentations are still available for me to view later.

Well I hope that I get to view more of these presentations, but ... I will be on a trip to Iowa these next four days so "time get sucked up" in travel too!

Happy traveling to all and to all a good night!

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